Challenges makes us stronger and better. Every industry has its own challenges and transport industry is no different. Let’s look at the top 5 challenges of employee transportation industry and how we deal with the same at Janani:
1. Driver Retention – is key to drive the transportation business successfully. At Janani we have been maintaining a 95% retention ratio from many years by effective driver engagement programs. We manage our drivers by frequently conducting knowledge sharing sessions, on time payment, direct access to leadership and management team to express their concerns and suggestions. Our “Driver cum Owner” has been the first concept started by us in the year 1996 and has been our flagship initiative that helped us to retain the drivers and address their many issues.
2. Driver and Supervisor Behaviour Management – Driver and the Supervisors are the face of the transport business. It’s very essential for drivers to conduct and show good behaviour towards the employees and others. At Janani we conduct periodic training programs in improving their soft skills and take feedback and suggestions from the clients and provide the same and
measure their performance. We give awards regularly to recognize good driver behaviour.
3. Traffic Congestion – Uncontrollable factors like traffic in cities like Bangalore are unpredictable and definitely need an in-depth study and Geographical understanding. It is important for the driver to inform immediately the shift supervisor on possible delays, so that he can keep the concerned department manager updated. At Janani, the JenDrive app enables efficient and seamless communication between drivers, supervisors, employees and other stakeholders on real time basis.
4. Employees not turning up on time – Transport team should have mechanism to know the update on employee leave or delays. This is important for planning of routes. With the introduction of JenDrive App, employees of our clients can now use the App to update or change in their pickup, drop or any ad-hoc details with just a few clicks rather than follow a cumbersome process.
5. Accidents – This problem can be avoided by way of well-disciplined driving skills, not to use mobile phones while driving or getting distracted with the noise of passengers. Even with such cautious approach sometimes accidents happen today. Janani continuously has trained its team to handle any eventuality with least impact on the business of its clients.
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